Thursday, June 19, 2014

Secrets of Beauty Care Fan Bing Bing

Every woman wants to look pretty attractive. One of the inspiring women to look beautiful is their favorite celebrities. Nh on this occasion we will share information about secret beauty treatments from a Fan Bing Bing. With our sharing this information, I hope you can follow what is done by Fan Bing Bing. So you would be pretty captivating as Fan Bing Bing. The following information, please scrutiny.

Actress Fan Bingbing is now 32 years old, but the Chinese star looked aged 21 years thanks to the clear glowing skin without wrinkles or imperfections that may reveal the actual age.

While promoting his latest film, the Hollywood blockbuster "X-Men: Days Of Future Past" in Singapore last month, the actress admitted to Cinema Online that she was running a secret routines that help keep it looking youthful.

In addition to regularly consume a lot of water and use a facial moisturizer before bed as suggested by all the beauty experts, Bing Bing also fond of using masks.

"I have to wear a mask every day and sometimes even twice a day," said Bing Bing in Cantonese with an English translator at her side to help talk her sayings the international media was there.

Translators were later confirmed his routine, "That's very true. Bing Bing totally infatuated with masks. She even wears a mask when we were traveling in the car. I see for myself that there are a lot of masks that she uses in a week."

However, the ambassador of L'Oreal Paris was not specifically mention a brand or mask what she uses.

In the movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past" star-studded, Bing Bing played the new mutant named Blink, which has the power of teleportation.

Discuss the role that does not have a lot of dialogue, Bing Bing said that one of the challenges to adapt to large-scale production of such films is how to overcome the language barrier and is able to communicate with the cast and crew, though fortunately she was helped by the main actors "X-Men", Hugh Jackman.

"For a big star, Hugh was actually very nice to me and she helped me a lot in preparing for the role. Almost every day, when she does not even have to shoot, but she was there for a couple of hours just to make sure that she can help me prepare for my character on set."